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Wednesday 21 January 2015

..Snow Female Mammal..

Hi guys! 

Bajet fofular.. HAHA! *flip hair*

Saje nak menulis.. Lama tak hupdate ko... Eh chop.. Pekebenda la tajuk tu ha... Nak tahu nanti kita bagitahu eh maksud tersirat tajuk entri tu.

First of all, kita nak wish HAPPY NEW YEAR 2015 to all people of around the world. Biarlah lambat pun asal selamat. *ehh kaitan ape pulak asal selamat tuuu*.. Arghh.. biaq pi la even dah half month of Januari dah berlalu.

Back to the tittle, today aka hari ini.. Terasa macam nak search je EIRA tu kat goggle. So keluarlah macam2 kat situ. So kita tertarik la satu artikel ni where describing what is EIRA. So sajelah nak hupdate blog tak masuk gua tak kua2 ni..HAHA...

Let's me describe. Artikel tu in English so in English la... Copy paste jer and change a little bit.

EIRA aka IRA is my nickname between my beloved family, some of my friends and also people who know me.

Eira means disambiguation (clarification that follows from the removal of ambiguity)
Hum.. Actually I'm not fully got what it means. Just ignore it or anybody willing to explain it to me. TQ yup! :)

This is what I'm interested of..HIHI

Eira also can refer to:

Eira : a district in Helsinki, Finland
Eira : a river in Nesset, Møre og Romsdal, Norway
Eira : Messenia, a municipal unit in Messenia, Greece

Eira : a female name originating from the Norse goddess Eir
Eira : a female name in Wales also meaning "snow" in the Welsh language. 
(Note: to avoid confusion with the outmoded male Ira, you could just name her Snow)
Eira Hellberg : Welsh author

Tayra, a carnivorous mammal that is a member of the genus Eira

HAHA.. I love it! I love all the description of EIRA. Cute!. I'm female mammal and like to eat meat as well as I love snow. That's suit me damn much.

It makes my day! Sebagai hiburan untuk diri... Peace yo!

So all EIRA out there. Mari kita bersyukur pada parents kita and and anyone yang bagi/panggil kita dengan nama EIRA yup. Nah belanja gambar baby tiut miut comel ni. She is called as BABY EIRA.

I wish to have this little cute baby soon..HAHA. May dream comes true. Insha Allah. Ameen. Pray the best. :)

P/S : 
Baru tahu dalam bahasa Welsh ejaan IRA tu untuk lelaki while EIRA untuk perempuan walaupun sebutan adalah sama. So selama ni kita both lelaki & perempuan. krik!krik!. 

So pasni panggil la kita SNOW aka SALJI ataupun PUTERI SALJU..HAHA! Sangatttt la ko ehh eira. 
